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Stuck by Oliver Jeffers
Million Dollar Throw by Mike Lupica
Pete the Cat & His Magic Sunglasses by James Dean and Kimberly Dean
Featured Reads

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
13-year-old Brian Robeson is traveling by single-engine plane to visit his father, when the plane crashes and kills the pilot. Brian is alone in the Canadian wilderness with nothing but his clothing, a tattered windbreaker, and the hatchet his mother had given him as a present.
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The Pearl by John Steinbeck
Kino is a poor diver, gathering pearls from the gulf beds that once brought great wealth to the Kings of Spain and now provide Kino, Juana, and their infant son with meager subsistence. Then, on a day like any other, Kino emerges from the sea with a pearl as large as a sea gull’s egg, as “perfect as the moon.” Will the pearl bring him the security and wealth as Kino hopes?
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Meet the Team

Ms. Dobbs
Ms. Dobbs is a library associate and has been working in the district for 15 years. In addition to her many years of experience as an associate, Ms. Dobbs has her BA from Buena Vista. Stop on in any time and let’s talk.
Mrs. Kreitlow
Mrs. Kreitlow is the High School Media Associate. She loves to read. When she is not reading, she is spending time with her family and riding her motocycle. Stop in a say hello to Mrs Kreitlow.